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Safety Bar 50 EVO

The new LED projector SAFETY BAR 50 EVO is made to give the chance to replace the application of painted or adhesive strips on the ground, create walkways and handling or escape routes. In fact, painted stripes are frequently subject to deterioration or covered by dirt: this makes them not very visible and with potential high risks for the safety of workers.

Description Safety Bar 50 EVO
SAFETY BAR 50 EVO can project on the ground a very intense beam of green, red, yellow or blue colour (according to the chosen model) and, unlike traditional existing applications, it’s always well visible since projected from the top to the ground.
The dimension of the projected beam can change according to the installation height; the device can be installed from 6 up to 12 meters height. If applied at 10 meters, for example, the lamp projects a 6,6 meters green beam on the ground with a thickness of about 14-15 cm.
The lamp is composed by a structure and an heat sink in extruded aluminium and EPDM gaskets that guarantee an IP65 degree of protection.

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