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Dock buffers

Dock buffers

Dock Buffers protect docking bays and guard against wear and tear – preventing structural damage, repair costs and downtime

Pedestrian barriers

Pedestrian barriers

Pedestrian Barriers segregate pedestrians and define walkways – optimising productivity, preventing accidents and protecting your most vulnerable assets

Rack end barriers

Rack end barriers

RackEnd Barriers protect vulnerable racking structures by absorbing and deflecting repeated contact from turning vehicles – preventing damage and avoiding downtime

Dock gates

Dock gates

Defend dock loading bays by containing stray vehicles at busy loading entrances whilst protecting door infrastructure from impact damage

Traffic Barriers

Traffic Barriers

Traffic Barriers protect buildings, valuable machinery and vulnerable equipment from impacting vehicles – preventing damage and avoiding downtime



Access Gates provide entry and exit points for pedestrians and vehicles within barrier sections and at crossing points, acting as a physical stop to control movement and maintain safety

Column protection

Column protection

Columns Guards protect vulnerable columns, building supports and structures from vehicle collisions – preventing devastating damage to buildings and costly downtime

Car park barriers

Car park barriers

Car Park Barriers flex and absorb impact forces to protect ramps, perimeters, entrances, walls and walkways from damage, safeguarding people and assets, and exceeding safety standards

Height restrictors

Height restrictors

Height Restrictors protect the edges of doorway openings and prevent high vehicles or loads from impacting overhead equipment



Bollards provide flexible, impact-absorbing protection for structures and equipment, and a physical presence to prevent access and guide vehicles and pedestrians

Kerb barriers

Kerb barriers

ForkGuard Kerb Barriers shield traffic routes, pallet storage zones, walkways and work areas from the ground up, defending against shallow angular impacts and fork penetration

Topple barriers

Topple barriers

High Level Barriers provide enhanced protection for people, buildings and equipment – guarding and guiding from ground to height and preventing dangerous toppling

Safety signs

Safety signs

Safety Signs allow important warnings and safety messages to be prominently displayed to workforce and visiting personnel at required locations

Rack leg protectors

Rack leg protectors

Rack Leg Protectors defend vulnerable racking uprights by absorbing impacts, and preventing damage that can compromise the integrity of an entire racking structure